Nieuws: Fijne recensie voor ‘self-aware millennial sex novel’ van Tobi Lakmaker in The Guardian
The History of My Sexuality, in het Engels vertaald door Kristen Gehrman. In The Guardian wordt het boek geplaatst in een nieuw soort genre door recensente Rebecca Liu: ‘The self-aware millennial sex novel has become a mini-industry within the publishing world.’ The History of My Sexuality voldoet grotendeel aan de kenmerken van het genre, maar stijgt er ook boven uit:
In an era that demands people trade in absolutes – affirm exactly who they are, what they feel and believe, while shoring up the boundaries of what a person can be – the phrase “less girl, more boy” is fitting for a novel that depicts life as a process of change, questioning and discovery; and by doing so, touches on something closer to the truth.
Lees de hele recensie hier.