Nieuws: #MeToo slaat schrijver Junot Díaz van zijn voetstuk
Er zijn volgens The New York Times al boekhandels die weigeren om zijn boeken te verkopen; schrijver Junot Díaz staat opeens in het middelpunt van kritiek nadat hij op een literair festival in Australië werd geconfronteerd met een vraag van Zinzi Clemmons. Clemmons, ook auteur, werd naar haar zeggen als student gedwongen om Díaz te kussen.
Clemmons bracht haar verhaal later op Twitter en dat bericht lokte nieuwe beschuldigingen uit.
As a grad student, I invited Junot Diaz to speak to a workshop on issues of representation in literature. I was an unknown wide-eyed 26 yo, and he used it as an opportunity to corner and forcibly kiss me. I'm far from the only one he's done this 2, I refuse to be silent anymore.
— zinziclemmons (@zinziclemmons) 4 mei 2018
I was 32 and my first novel hadn’t come out yet. I was invited to a dinner and sat next to him. I disagreed with him on a minor point. He shouted the word “rape” in my face to prove his. It was completely bizarre, disproportionate, and violent.
— Monica Byrne (@monicabyrne13) 4 mei 2018
The dinner just got worse from there. I’ve never experienced such virulent misogyny. Every point I made—ABOUT issues women face in publishing—he made a point of talking over me, cutting me off, ignoring me to talk to the other (male) scifi writer at the table, who played along.
— Monica Byrne (@monicabyrne13) 4 mei 2018
My Junot Diaz story: 15 years ago he reached out to me online because he was visiting LA and I was a Latina writer. I was thrilled because his book Drown was a big inspiration for me to write fiction. @zinziclemmons @monicabyrne13 (cont)
— Alisa (Li) Rivera (@lirivera) 4 mei 2018
When I met him he told me I had the face of the oppressor and needed to darken up to look like a real Latina. Then he pulled me into his lap and hit on me. I got away from him but I couldn't stop crying. (cont)
— Alisa (Li) Rivera (@lirivera) 4 mei 2018
It was devastating. If anyone needs to be called under #MeToo it's him.
— Alisa (Li) Rivera (@lirivera) 4 mei 2018
Lees het hele stuk in The New York Times hier.
In Nederland wordt het werk van Junot Díaz uitgegeven door Atlas Contact.
In onderstaand filmpje, uit 2013, praat Díaz over onderwerpen die gerelateerd zijn aan dit thema.